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Production of museum and gallery furnishings and showcases

our offer

We will make you a furnishing or display case according to your wishes

We produce glass showcases. Display cases for models and collections. Glass showcases for graves, or wall-mounted glass showcases. What's your idea?

What's your idea?


Nákres návrhu vitríny na zakázku


Skleněné vitríny

Call or email us! And we will design your display case for you.

mobil: +420 777 187 823
email: skalik@artconsultancy.eu

What would a glass display case for your models or collectibles look like? Get inspired!

We created this showcase for the City of Opava and its small museum in Hláska town hall.

Customized all-glass solitary showcase with its own lighting and shelves on the cable suspension system

celoskleněná vitrína s vlastním osvětlením a policemi na lankovém závěsném systému.

Showcase with wooden base and drawers

The display case is suitable for storing collection exhibits that need additional storage space.

Atypical pedestal for a collection exhibit.

You can display your collection exhibit in this atypical way. By placing it under a lid on a pedestal.

Art Consultancy s.r.o.

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