

"My scientific work has given me great satisfaction, and I am convinced that before long the whole world will praise the result of this work."
- Gregor Johann Mendel -

Project of the new exhibition The Birthplace of J. G. Mendel in Hynčice
 Municipality Vražné
Total cost: 10 800 EUR


Axonometry created before the implementation of the J. G. Mendel exhibition. Author team of the project:
Art Consultancy s.r.o.
WMA architects
Profure s.r.o.


Mendel as a geneticist, but also as a beekeeper, meteorologist or farmer.
This is how the new exhibition in his family farm in Vražný in the Novojičínsko region should present one of the most important Czech scientists. The place where Gregor Johann Mendel was born 200 years ago will thus present his work, the results of which people still encounter in their everyday life. Near the farm, locals are also planning to plant a grove of 200 pear trees, which Mendel favoured. They want to make a symbolic contribution to the 200th anniversary of the birth of this world-renowned genius.


Kresba hrachu

Art Consultancy s.r.o.

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