Black Cube – Center for Digitalization, Sciences, and Innovations
Implementation of the project Black Cube – Center for Digitalization, Sciences, and Innovations
Title: Client Center Black Cube
Year of Implementation: 2024
Project Documentation: Profure studio s.r.o.
Investor: Black Cube, contribution organization
Place of Implementation:
Address: Pivovarská 1503/6
City: Ostrava
Region: Moravian-Silesian
Total Area of the Space: 82.6 m²
Hlavní požadavek na rozdělení jednotlivých prostorů bylo jasné definování prezentační a administrativní části a estetizace prostoru interiéru.
The materiality of the interior refers to the future appearance of the Center for Digitalization, Sciences, and Innovations, or the Black Cube.
Its characteristic façade element of a metal grid appears in the interior of the client center, along with a combination of black, white colors, and glass. The covering of the kitchen area and facilities is addressed using lightweight sliding panels in black, which are complemented by a metal grid on the wall that refers to the façade of the future Black Cube building, and can also serve for the presentation of the future façade of the center.
An important part of this design is the visual separation of the kitchen counter and sanitary facilities through the proposed wall with sliding panels. The element of the metal grid is further used as a ceiling feature in room 1.01 in the form of suspended squares beneath the ceiling to connect the individual spaces.
Art Consultancy s.r.o.
- Litultovice 168
- 747 55 Litultovice
- +420 777 187 823
- IČO: 29457009
- DIČ (DPH): CZ29457009
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